Note: This guide assumes that you already have an O365 account set up and configured in Microsoft Outlook (2010 or newer).

  1. Navigate to the following site and click the Download Google Apps Sync button at the top right of the page.

  1. Launch the downloaded file and when prompted, enter your (also check the Remember me box). Click Continue.
  2. Click Continue again.
  3. Your default web browser should launch automatically.  Please login using your and UCSBnetID Password.
  4. If on the following page you are prompted to add additional security (i.e. an alternate email address or phone number), click the Skip link near the bottom of the page.
  5. On the Request for Permission page, click Accept.
  6. Switching away from the browser, if Google Apps Sync does not launch automatically, click Set up a Google Apps Sync user program (generally found under the Start menu).
  7. Click the Import data from an existing profile box. Be sure to uncheck "Email messages".
    Note: Deleted messages and Junk email will auto-deselect.
  8. Click Create Profile. After the status bars show processing is finished, click OK, then click Done.

  9. Click Start Microsoft Outlook.


    What Migrates?

    Existing events in the Calendar migrate.

    Your personal contacts migrate.

    Additional Contact lists may be created but can be removed (right-click, Delete Folder).

    Note: Do not delete Contacts or Suggested Contacts- these are auto-created by Outlook and not the Google Migration Tool.