It's time to start using Connect Google Workspace!  Here's how to copy your auto-fill/auto-complete history and export your contacts from Apple Mail. 

Copy Apple Mail auto-fill/auto-complete history to Apple Contacts

If you want to include email addresses that are not in your Contacts, but that you have previously emailed, follow these steps:

1.  Open Apple Mail

2.  From the toolbar, click WindowPrevious Recipients

4.  Choose which email addresses you wish to move to your contacts and click Add to Contacts

The contacts you save will now be ready to export from Apple Contacts.

Export Apple Contacts

Important:  For those who use contact groups, please be aware that the individual contacts of your address book will be included in the export but your contact groups will not.  If you use contact groups, please make a note of them prior to migrating so you can more easily re-create them.

1.  Open Apple Contacts

2.  Highlight all contacts you want to transfer

3.  From the Contacts menu, select FileExport, then Export vCard...

4.  Give your file a descriptive name, then select the location where you would like to save it.

You're now ready to import your Apple Contacts into your Connect G Suite account.

1.  Login to your Connect Google Workspace account, select Contacts from your App Launcher.

2.  In the list under Contacts, select Import Contacts...

3.  In the Import Contacts window, click Choose File.

4.  Select the Contacts file that you created using Apple Contacts and click Import.

5.  Your My Contacts folder now contains the imported contacts.

6.  In the list under Contacts, you will now see a new contact group called Imported, with its import date and number of contacts.

7.  If you want Google Workspace to find potential duplicate entries and merge them, select the Imported folder and click on Find & merge duplicates at the top of the Contacts window,

8.  It will present you with a list of possible duplicate contacts as well as individual contacts with duplicate data.  For all contacts that you know are not duplicates, uncheck the box next to them.  Click Merge.

9.  If there are duplicates and you select "merge" Google Workspace will merge them and report that "The contacts were merged successfully".  If there are no duplicates, you will see the following notification:

Your Apple Mail Contacts are now in your Connect Google Workspace Contacts!