UC Santa Barbara faculty, emeriti, staff, students, concurrent enrollment students, visiting scholars, postdocs, and affiliates who have active UCSBnetIDs are eligible for Connect Google Workspace accounts.


The UCSB Alumni sponsors Google accounts for alumni. 


  • New undergraduate and graduate students are added to our database of within 72 hours of submitting their Statement of Intent to Register (SIR).
  • New faculty, staff, and affiliates are added to our database 48 hours after the department enters them into the HR System (UCPath).
  • Emeriti are able to keep their accounts indefinitely so long as their department enters their status as an emeriti in UCPath.
  • Retired faculty and staff may make arrangements to retain their Google accounts as affiliates. 

If your affiliation has not yet been updated in UCPath, please contact your HR Partner(link is external) to expedite processing.


Cancellation of Accounts
Individuals are eligible for Connect accounts based on their current affiliation.  If your affiliation has lapsed or has been terminated, your accounts could be cancelled.  Individuals are provided with eligibility grace periods as circumstances permit and will be provided with a courtesy email notification prior to account cancellation in most cases.

Current Undergrad Student have a grace period of 13 months.  They may ask for a one-month extension to transfer their UCSB data to a personal account.

Current Graduate Students will be offered email services for an unlimited grace period.

Current Staff and Faculty should contact their Connect Department Administrator to see how long they will keep access to their Google Account.

Updating Your Eligibility
If you believe that you were sent a cancellation notice in error, please see below for details on updating your eligibility.

  • Students: If you were not registered for classes during the past 9 months or have not filed for withdrawal, then you are not eligible to keep your Connect account. 
  • Faculty, Staff and Emeritus: Please contact your HR Partner to update your status.
  • All Other Affiliates: Please contact your Sponsoring department to update your status.