Important: According to Google, the appointment slots feature will be replaced by the appointment schedules feature in July, 2024. If you use appointment slots, you will begin to notice banners when viewing existing or creating new slots on your calendar.

  • The appointment slots feature allows you to set up a block of appointments on your calendar that other people can reserve. Appointment slots can be scheduled on any calendar a person owns or has delegated access to.
  • The appointment schedule feature allows you to share your availability via a booking page, which can be used by UCSB and external individuals, including those without a Google account, to schedule meetings with you. Appointment schedules can be scheduled on any calendar a person owns, has edit access to ("Make changes" permission), or has delegated access to.
  • Note: Everyone with permission to use a secondary calendar can make changes to the calendar's appointment schedule and view all bookings.
  • Refer to the Google Help Center for a more detailed overview of appointment slots and schedules, including the key differences between each, when to use slots vs. schedules, and how to turn on/off appointment schedules.

Appointment schedules are a feature-rich appointment booking system that offer a smoother booking experience and more powerful features than appointment slots.  Here are some key features:

  • Check other calendars for availability: By default, appointment schedules check your primary and secondary calendars for any conflicts. To turn this feature off when you create or edit an appointment schedule, deselect the checkbox next to “Check calendars for availability.”
  • Set up recurring schedules: With appointment schedules, you can set up a one-time appointment or a weekly recurring schedule. Bi-weekly, monthly, and other recurring schedule types aren’t supported.
  • Check visibility: Other users with access to your calendar will know when you have appointment schedules booked. They will not find unbooked appointment schedules.
  • Enhanced new featuresIncluding the option for a custom weekly recurrence when creating an appointment schedule in Calendar.

After July 17th, 2024, Appointment Slots will no longer be available.  Any existing Appointment Slots will not transfer to Appointment Schedules.  You must create a new Appointment Schedule after that date.